Believe It Or Not, You Can Kick Start Your Body Into a Raging Hot Furnace Again for a Teenage Metabolism

Frequently Asked Questions

Question #1: “I totally love the Kickstart protocol. I’ve been using the sippy cup activity and I’ve got great blood sugar readings, and I’m getting amazing erections when I wake up. I’m only about 1/4 way through the videos. What else should I be doing?”

Okay the answer is this…

Every man is different.

What works for you might not work for someone else and vice versa.

For instance, you can watch in bite-size pieces or just listen to the audio on your phone if you want.

You can read everything back to front and sideways.

Do what works for you and make the process your own.

You’ve got great results already, but can you IMAGINE the health and sex life you’ll have as you continue?

Maybe you’ll basically stop aging, thanks to the sippy cup activity, and start living like a teenager again.

You won’t believe how much better you will feel in 2 weeks compared to today.

Just work it at your own pace. And please reach out if you want any advice.

Question #2: “A buddy sent me a link to this page and said it’s been awesome for him. I don’t want to ask him for any details because it feels kind of weird. So tell me this, how fast can I get access to the sippy cup activity?”

Today, everything is instant this and instant that. Well, we're no different here at the publishing company.

In the old days, we'd put tapes together and package them and mail them. But now we do it a different way.

We don't ship anything.

You watch the videos on your iPhone or you Android, or your tablet or PC.

And you can download the bonuses and audios right after you click on the button and put in your information.

And you get to watch the videos forever, anytime.

When you want a refresher, or when you want to move to the next level, they're always there just a click away.

You can watch anywhere, anytime and you’ll get these in just a minute or two from now when you click the button below and enter your information.

Question #3: “I like the content… it’s very unique, I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ve had blood sugar problems in the past, but now they’re mostly gone. I used to have really bad ED too, but now I’m getting some morning wood and some semis… How long will it take to get actual results?”

You’re already seeing results and they’re just going to continue getting better the longer you keep at it!

Every man is different, so I can’t give you an exact time-table.

But as you go through the videos, you can skip ahead to the part where I show you how to get your dick working even if you have no prostate…

...even if you are taking medications for diabetes or even if you have high blood pressure and the drugs are killing your sex drive.

Lots of guys just do the sippy cup activity and their blood sugar drops like a stone.

They start getting hard ons all the time. And they get thinner around their waistlines, and bulk up muscle without setting a foot in the gym.

You are already seeing great results, just stick with it!

Question #4: “I’m 53, divorced, and in good health. I am down to taking just one pill for blood pressure. And I workout pretty regularly. But it’s been a while for me since I’ve had sex...though my secret desire is to get a girl in her 20s. Will this help or is it too late for me?”

Hey, you’re experiencing a new Springtime in your life that will last the rest of your life!

Twenty-something year old women are sex starved today because the young guys they are with are so bad in bed from jerking off to so much porn.

All you have to do is apply the information in the Kickstart protocol.

That will get you going with twenty something's -- in fact, they’ll be all over you, begging for you to come inside...!

And soon you’ll be so confident in yourself and your sexual abilities, you’ll be getting girls left and right, no problem.

I almost envy you... but I love my wife very much LOL.

Question #5: “I’m all in. I’m burning to get this, though before I order, I need to know for sure that my personal information is safe with you. How do I know I can trust you? And what will show up on my bill?”

We hope that like over 40,000 other men, you will love Kickstart so much that you’ll be back and try out my other products as well.

For that reason, we totally don’t want a dime of your money if you aren't experiencing success.

So my publisher has this full money-back guarantee and it's always 100% our word of honor with you and never violated, ever.

Not even once.

So yeah, you can trust our money back guarantee totally and completely.

My publisher has this amazing support team always there to help you.

You can email us at and you'll get fast help with any issues you may have, including a refund.

You can call 24 hours a day. And we even help men on weekends and holidays, 7 days a week. 877-691-3328 toll free.

That’s how committed we are to your success.

The phones are manned with a U.S. based team whose only job is to make sure you are completely satisfied. And here's the thing… My publisher is taking all the risk here.

You could, if you were a not nice person, just order and download and watch everything and then get your money back.

And we will give you every dime back for any reason or no reason.

But I hope you're not that kind of person and I don't think you are.

But we’re taking all the risk, and that makes this a no brainer, don't you think?

Question #6: “First of all, I totally love this. My blood sugar is normal, my erections are more engorged, my blood pressure is down, and I totally love the new me! I’ve got a buddy who I think should try it out, though he complains that he’s a slow learner, and has a bad memory -- what should I tell him to get him on board?”

Tell your buddy that everything in the Kickstart protocol will get him going, and all he has to do is watch ONE of the videos to see a major transformation.

Even if he doesn’t get through all of the videos, he’ll pick up golden nuggets of information that he can put into action immediately.

Like the sippy cup activity!

He can work through the material at his own pace and he’ll get instant access just like you did to the entire Kickstart protocol.

And he will see how just a few small changes can make a world of difference.

Question #7: “I have a buddy who is quite obsese. He is always complaining that he lacks confidence in bed and has no hope for the future. Will this work for him?”

The sippy cup activity will get his metabolism burning sugar again and restore it to teenage levels.

And with a hot, high metabolism, the fat just starts melting off.

And as his dick wakes up again, he’ll get that testosterone surge that makes him mega attractive to girls.

I’ve seen some guys who weigh upwards of 400 pounds be spectacularly successful with this protocol.

Women want to go to bed with these guys because they’re curious.

It’s amazing.

Question #8: “I bought this program a few days ago, and now my friend wants it as he’s already noticing my new energy levels, and he sees how girls are looking at me when we’re out drinking. He wants to know if his credit card and personal information is safe?”

When you enter your card information, it is taken into a multi-million dollar server system that the big banks use.

It is the same type of system that Amazon uses.

And it isn't me that's filling your order.

It's Calworth Glenford, my publisher, and Calworth Glenford uses 256 bit encryption same as

Your card is much safer than it is if you plunk it down at a restaurant or department store because no employee ever looks at the card number.

Calworth Glenford has been in business since 1996, and they're family owned and they're not some fly by night.

They've had tens of thousands of customers and never, not once, has anything ever been messed up with their security.

They have their full reputation on the line, and they're not here to take advantage of people or rip them off or end up in the newspapers.

And everything is spelled out in plain language.

There are no fine print charges or anything greyed out to trick you.

I hate that and I would never allow that.

I hope your question was answered.

Honestly, at this point, you can either sit on the sidelines and miss all the opportunities out there to get rid of diabetes, gain youth, lose flab, gain muscle…

...and get your sexual powers back that you may have had has a teenager or even better…

And you can take this opportunity to change everything with Kickstart.

Trying it out is the wise thing because with my triple guarantee, you have zero risk.

But if you don't try it out, how will you ever get the health, youth, and sexual powers that you thought were forever lost?

Click Below for the Kick Start Protocol

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